Because you are interested in all things sea glass, we bring you news about the latest trend that borrows its vibe from the appearance and zen of sea glass.
So you’ve probably heard of Sea Glass Wine?
Well now there is Beach Whiskey, packaged in etched bottles made to look like sea glass.
Read about it here, courtesy of Laura McQuarrie of trendhunter.com.
Island Coconut Whiskey, anyone?
Whiskey is conventionally bottled and branded in a way that uses a clear glass bottle to show off its dark caramel color, but this unique whiskey spirit completely defies these packaging norms.
‘Beach Whiskey’ is packaged in colorful etched sea glass bottles that show off unusual flavors such as Bonfire Cinnamon and Island Coconut, which are enhanced with ingredients like warming cinnamon and capsicum spices or refreshing coconut and blueberry, respectively.
These lifestyle-inspired whiskey spirits target a completely different kind of consumer than most and are so far sold in regions like California, Florida, Nashville and Hawaii. These youthful whiskey bottles from Beach Whiskey will appeal to consumers who are captivated by the relaxed beach lifestyle and crave drinks that are unafraid to defy convention.