Have you ever wondered why some beaches have pink sand and others do not? If you're like me, you may have thought that little pieces of pink coral and shells mixed with the sand to produce the pinkish hue. And that is true, but there's more to the story by the name of tiny microorganisms called foraminifera. What's that, you say? Read on if you're interested and learn where the world's most famous pink sand beaches are located. One may be closer than you think! Sandy beaches and … [Read more...]
New Sea Glass Lifestyle Product – Beach Whiskey
Because you are interested in all things sea glass, we bring you news about the latest trend that borrows its vibe from the appearance and zen of sea glass. So you've probably heard of Sea Glass Wine? Well now there is Beach Whiskey, packaged in etched bottles made to look like sea glass. Read about it here, courtesy of Laura McQuarrie of trendhunter.com. Island Coconut Whiskey, anyone? Whiskey is conventionally bottled and branded in a way that uses a clear glass bottle to … [Read more...]
Most Beautiful Bridge in the US
I don't mean to brag (well maybe just a little), but if you want to drive across one of the world's 13 most beautiful bridges, then come on down to the Florida Keys for a visit to Key West via the iconic Seven Mile Bridge, the most beautiful bridge in the US. The bridge, still one of the longest bridges in the US, crosses the turquoise waters of the Florida Keys. And yes, the water really is this color! Fun Fact: The legendary Seven Mile Bridge was featured in the movie, "True Lies," … [Read more...]
Sea Glass Powerball!
For the avid sea glass hunter finding a sea glass marble is akin to winning Sea Glass Powerball. When my husband and I are on a serious sea glass hunt (meaning we've paid for airline tickets to reach a sea glass beach) there is fierce competition to find the first sea glass marble. I am never the winner of the contest but that's ok because the marbles he finds become my marbles anyway! "We" found these marbles last October on a Jamaica vacation. For a more "scientific" look at how to … [Read more...]
Recipes from (Yes!) Margaritaville
Now that fall is in full swing, my taste buds are craving fare that is a tad more substantial. So when I saw this post from Margaritaville.com (are these really Jimmy's original recipes?) I was hooked. So sit back with your pumpkin spice latte and peruse these 5 yummy pumpkin-inspired recipes and make one your own. And don't be sad... as of this writing there are only 251 days, 13 hours, 24 minutes and 34 seconds until summer (yes, you can actually look that up online!). From pumpkin … [Read more...]
6 Ways To Spot Fake Sea Glass
When it comes to sea glass, is imitation really the sincerest form of flattery? I think not, particularly when it comes to spending hard earned money on a product you trust to be the real deal. Most of you will see that this sea glass bracelet and ring is made with tumbled, recycled glass and a metal alloy called alpaca. It is easy to spot because the glass is thin, flat, has an even sheen with no variations, and is usually cut into even shapes. Products like these are sold online … [Read more...]
Sea Glass At The Lighthouse – PEI
How about this great Fall road trip, combining your love of sea glass with an impressive tour of 7 historic lighthouses on Prince Edward Island, Canada? The Souris East Lighthouse (1880) has a 2nd Floor Sea Glass Museum where you can linger over the delicious sea glass displays while breathing in salty, Atlantic breezes. You may even find some of your own sea glass shards at nearby Souris Beach. And if you visit during the summer months you might run into the Mermaids Tears Sea Glass … [Read more...]
7 Important Reasons To Buy Authentic Sea Glass Jewelry
If you are a true sea glass lover, someone who revels in discovering that elusive piece of sea glass on the beach, you are, most likely, also a sea glass purist, a person who appreciates the mystique and value of naturally occurring sea glass. A sea glass purist is not, as some might suggest, a sea glass snob. It’s simply that a sea glass purist knows the attributes of real sea glass and does not accept imitations. Here are 7 reasons to purchase authentic sea glass jewelry: It has … [Read more...]
Sea Glass! Where Does It Come From?
Sea glass groupies (and I mean this in the nicest sense) will love this informative story about the sources of sea glass. It seems that there is always more to learn about sea glass and still a huge appetite for knowledge of where to find these diminishing treasures and where they might have come from in the first place! Thanks to the experts, like Dr. Beachcomb, we can continue to become educated. Enjoy! Understanding source types can make it easier to identify age, origin and the … [Read more...]